LOCAL RULES Click Here for Inclement Weather Policy
These Rules, unless otherwise stated, refer to the GENERAL AREA.
ABNORMAL CONDITIONS – Ground Under Repair (GUR) – Mandatory Relief (Rule 16.1b)
Any area encircled by white lines or white stakes is GUR.
A staked tree that interferes with a Player’s stance or area of intended swing.
Any area bordered by white pegs with blue tops is a No Play Zone (NPZ) (Rule 16.1f)
Relief MUST be taken.
ABNORMAL CONDITIONS – Ground Under Repair (GUR) – Optional Relief (Rule 16.1b)
Clearly defined marks made by the wheels or tyres of a motorised vehicle (other than a Golf Cart).
A tree root (whether growing or not) that interferes with the lie or area of intended swing. The player’s stance is not included and relief is not to be taken if the ball is lying within 1 club length from the outside edge of the trunk of any tree.
Erosion caused by stormwater or irrigation run-off.
All fixed irrigation equipment.
All tree guards and tree stakes.
All defined gardens, advertising signs, protective screens, seats and sand receptacles.
Relief MUST be taken.
Any fixed irrigation equipment that intervenes between the lie and the hole and where the lie is within 2 club lengths of the green being played.
Any paving, concrete or hardstand areas (including cart paths) that are specifically made and not naturally occurring. There is no relief from random or naturally formed cart paths other those clearly identified by the Golf Cart Rules.
Stones in general - A ball may be lifted under Rule 14.1 and replaced under Rule 14.2 but must not be cleaned. Any stones (whether loose or embedded) within one card length of the ball may be removed by hand. The balls location must marked and relief is only for the lie of the ball. The ball must be replaced as near as possible to its original lie. Once initial relief has been taken there will be no similar further relief available for that particular stroke being played.
BALL DEFLECTED BY POWER LINES etc. (Rule 14.6) – If it is known or virtually certain that a ball has struck a power line or its supporting infrastructure (excluding any that is situated within areas designated as OOB) or the pump shed then the ball must be replayed from where the previous stroke was made without penalty.
OUT OF BOUNDS (OOB) - All boundary fences; white stakes with black tops; Car park (sealed or unsealed) and Clubhouse roof.
YELLOW PENALTY AREAS – are defined by yellow lines or yellow stakes.
RED PENALTY AREAS – are defined by red lines or red stakes.
GUR AREAS – are defined by white lines or white stakes and are clearly marked GUR by signage or other means.
DROPPING STAKES (Rule 14.3) – are 1m high white stakes and are labelled as Dropping Zone. When a ball comes to rest in any GUR and dropping stakes are in place adjacent to these areas, the nearest dropping stake must be taken as the reference point for the Relief Area.
RED PENALTY AREAS - Optional - a ball may be dropped on the opposite side of the penalty area within 2 club lengths of the nearest relief area that is not nearer the hole.
PRACTICE - a player must not play any more than two balls on any particular hole during any practice round.
GROUND STAFF - always have the RIGHT OF WAY. Players must wait until Staff is out of range before playing any stroke.
DISTANCE MARKERS - indicate distance to the centre of the green.
CART RULES - are mandatory and MUST be strictly abided by. Failure to do so may result in a 2 stroke penalty, disqualification or ejection from the Course.
RELIEF - does not include relief for line of sight.
No Two Stroke Penalty Option - the option for a Local Rule for a two stroke penalty for Out of Bounds or a Lost Ball in the General Area is not supported.
TEE MARKERS : Mens Competition – WHITE
Mens Social - YELLOW
Ladies – Competition and Social – RED
FAIRWAYS: 30cm ”Preferred Lies” applies and is restricted to the CLOSELY MOWN (fairway height) areas of the fairway of the hole you are playing. A ball may be lifted under the provisions of Rule 14.1 and replaced under the provisions of Rule 14.2 and may be cleaned.
Bare patches and newly rehabilitated areas on the CLOSELY MOWN (fairway height) areas of any fairway, whether clearly identified or not, are to be treated as GUR. Relief MUST be taken.
GREENS: Scalped, bare or newly renovated areas of the putting green are to be treated as GUR. Relief must be taken and Rule 16.1d applies.
HOLE 6: Optional Relief Area location is the closely mown portion of the Ladies teeing area.
KURRI GOLF CLUB CART RULES Rules for the operation of Motorised Golf Carts
Golf Cart Operation
Golf Cart operators are responsible for their own actions and must abide by the CART RULES. Penalties will apply for serious cart rule infringements. Operators must drive to conditions of the day at an appropriate speed to suit the cart path or ground conditions. Any person operating a golf cart in a reckless or dangerous manner may be asked to vacate the Course.
Carts are required to remain on paths wherever possible to minimise cart damage to the course.
On par 3 holes carts are not allowed to leave the designated path. If a player’s ball is not on the putting surface the player should park the cart and take a selection of clubs thought to be required for the next stroke.
Constructed Cart Paths
Where provided, paths must be used and not deviated from, no matter what its condition or state of disrepair.
Non Constructed Cart Path established by constant cart movements
Where occurring, paths must be used and not deviated from, no matter what its condition or state of disrepair.
Par Three Holes
A single cart path, whether constructed or not, is designated for use on these holes. Golf carts must use this path and must not deviate from it, no matter what its condition or state of disrepair.
Golf Carts must not encroach within 10 metres of any close mown putting surface. Exception: where there is a constructed cart path available for use and in that case the golf cart must remain on that path no matter what its condition or state of disrepair.
Cart Sharing
To minimise the impact of cart damage to the Course, Golfers are encouraged to share carts with their playing partners
Other Course Cart Control
At varying times temporary cart control measures such as blue lines, barriers, signage or written instruction may be adopted. Cart operators must abide by any instruction either given or inferred for cart control.
These Cart Rules are Mandatory and the following penalties may apply for repeated or serious infringements.
Continued infringement after reasonable a warning period - Two stroke penalty or disqualification.
Serious abuse of the Course by cart operations and continued failure to abide by Cart Rules may, at the Board’s discretion, result in the suspension of golf or cart use.
By order of Board of Directors – Kurri Golf Club
For inclusion on the back of the score card
Players are required to read the Local Rules and Cart Rules prior to teeing off and abide by these rules during play.
Player’s should be familiar with the Rules of Golf and its definitions. Rules 14 and 16 specially relate to relief taken under the provisions of the Local Rules.
References to general area, movable and immovable obstruction, ground under repair, penalty area, relief area, reference point, nearest point of complete relief and no play zone are commonly used in the Local Rules. Players should be aware of their meanings.
Course Markings - refer the Local Rules. Distance Markers are to the centre of the green. Practice - a player must not play any more than two balls on any particular hole during any practice round. Cart Rules - are mandatory and must be strictly abided by. Failure to do so may result in a penalty, disqualification or ejection from the Course. Relief - does not include relief for line of sight. Slow Play – Play without undue delay and if the situation warrants please call following players through. When in GUR or an NPZ a substitute ball may be used to speed up play. Ground Staff - always have the right of way. Players must wait until Staff are out of range before playing any stroke.
LOCAL RULES – Abridged version Relief under the provisions of Rules 14 and 16 is allowed for the following situations; General Area: Abnormal Conditions and Immovable obstructions (Rule 16.1b) such as: GUR, (Rule 16.1f), Staked trees, Irrigation equipment, tree protection, gardens, signage, protective screens, seats, bins - Relief is Mandatory. Wheel or tyre marks (not made by carts), tree roots and erosion caused by stormwater or irrigation runoff. - Relief is Optional. Other Relief: Ball deflected by power line or its supports and ball striking pump station must be replayed without penalty and Rule 14.6. Stones: If a lie is affected by stones (loose or embedded) it may be lifted under Rule 14.1 (not cleaned) and stones within one card length may be removed by hand and the ball replaced under Rule 14.2. Sprays and valves (Rule 16.1b): within 2 club lengths of the green and they intervene between ball and hole. Course Markings: OUT OF BOUNDS: All boundary fences; white stakes with black tops; Car park and Clubhouse.
PENALTY AREAS: YELLOW - yellow lines or yellow stakes; RED – red lines or red stakes. GUR AREAS: – are defined by white lines or white stakes and are clearly marked GUR. DROPPING STAKES (Rule 14.3) – white stakes. When a ball comes to rest in any GUR and dropping stakes are adjacent to these areas, the nearest dropping stake must be taken as the reference point for the Relief Area.